India vs Pakistan: A fair fight? (Set 18)

 India vs Pakistan: A fair fight?

1947, two countries were born from the womb of mother earth; Pakistan and India. Since then, both of them have been in a competition with each other. 20th century remembers this competition in the form of wars mostly. Wars, which were won by both the belligerents as per their curriculums. However, with the dawn of 21st century, in the globalized world, one competitor, India, seems to be going far ahead in every aspect of competition and the other competitor, Pakistan, is just trying to survive the competition. In democractic government, technology, education, economy, industry, and, sports India has defeated Pakistan. The only playing field, where both competitors do still have equal chances is deterrence by nukes. The overall competition has become totally one sided now. Both parties should realize this fact and try to become good and friendly neighbors because competition no longer seems to be a competition. 

Pakistan ranks 104 while India ranks 46 out of 167 in democractic perception index, 2022, according to PILDAT. India is the biggest democractic society on the face of earth. From 1947 to 2023, not a single coup or attemp of coup has happened in India. On the other hand Pakistan has faced four major coups along with years long dictatorial rule. Future is the tree grown on the seeds of past. The future trends of democracy in both countries seem to be same as that of past trends. The democractic culture will penetrate deep inside the Indian society. While the political instability, nepotism, voter's illiteracy and high political polarization indicate that the future of democracy in Pakistan is still not clear. Political instability brings many other problems with itself and economic instability is the deadliest among them.

Pakistan is the only nuclear state among nine others whose GDP is less than half a trillion dollar; it is nearly $350 billion. On the other hand the the GDP of India is around $3 trillion. In the globalized world economic superiority is the biggest weapon because geographical wars have taken the shape of trade wars. The GDP growth rate of Pakistan is not promising enough as compared to India which has recently surpassed UK in terms of GDP growth. Economy is the back bone of every other field of life. If economy goes down everything goes down and vice versa.

The technological & Industrial growth of India is astonishing these days. India is producing a billionaire every year. Being the second biggest consumer market of the world, India has established her place in the global market. On the other hand, Pakistan is still facing hours long power outages. Pakistan is the fifth biggest consumer market of the world but she has failed to mark its place in the global market. Every MNC is striving to establish its manufacturing or selling unit in India while every state owned company in Pakistan is at huge loss. The god of technical and Industrial advancement is completely favouring India because of her thirst towards tech. Moreover, the combination of economy, industry and technology gives impetus to other institutes in the state.

The education and sports industry, both are growing by leaps and bounds in India. India is the country with the most number of universities in the world. She has around 5000 universities including public and private sector; 2000 more than even USA. On the other hand the higher education structure of Pakistan is near to death; surviving the yearly budget cuts. These budget cuts are not only demotivating the people associated with the education sector but also they are undermining the R & D sector. Moreover, the high rate of unemployment is forcing the talented youth to pursue their careers outside Pakistan, causing a huge brain drain. If education is not surviving in the educational institutions then what can be said of the sports because universities are the actual nurseries of athletes. Contrary to this India is investing in its future generations which is evident from the people like the CEOs of Microsoft, IBM and the sports leagues like IPL. 

The only level playing field between Pakistan and India is the field of nukes under the flag of deterrence. Deterrence, neither has unit nor it can be assessed. One nuke can cause enough damage that no one has dared to use them since WW2, let alone hundreds of them. If deterrence could be measured in any unit then it was for sure that India would have surpassed in this field too because of her habit of surpassing. Ultimately, this aimless competition would lead both the states no where. In addition, all of the hope is not dead for Pakistan. The consecutive democractic governments in Pakistan from 2008 indicate that the democracy is infiltrating in the Pakistani society. The franchise of PSL, the Arfa Kareem technology park and the production plants like MG motors are a ray of hope for the growth of Pakistan in the fields of democracy, economy, sports, education, technology and industry. However, the need of the hour is that both of the neighboring states should put their egos aside and support each other to grow. Furthermore, this century is the century of Asia and Pakistan and India should grab their shares from it and this is only possible by supporting each other. Consequently, the competition should now be converted into coordination because, as European Union, the states which coordinate more, grow more.


Miss Hareem

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