
Showing posts from January, 2023

MCQs for CSS Screening (Islamic Studies Portion)

  MCQs for CSS Screening (Islamic Studies Portion)  🗣️ FASTING MCQS • Fasting means to stop. • Fasting was made obligatory in 2nd A.H • Fasting is commanded in al-Bakarah. • The atonement for breaking the fast is to feed 60 people or keep 60 continuous fasts. • Bab-ul-Riayn is the door for fast observing people • Tarrawih means to rest. • Battle of Badr was fought in very first of Ramzan on 17th. • Hazrat Umar R.A arranged the Namaz-e-Tarrawih • Month of Ramzan is known as Sayeed us Shahnoor. • Five days are forbidden for fasting throughout the Year. •Wajib means ordained • 1st Ashra = Ashra-e-Rehmat. • 2nd Ashra Ashra-e-Maghfirat. • 3rd Ashra Ashra-e-Nijat  Miss Hareem CSS PMS Officers Academy Largest Competitive Examination Preparatory Institute in Pakistan for all CSP Officers of the future. Whatsapp for Registration 03451505100 🤙 #CSS #PMS #academy #Officeraacademy #IslamabadCss #Academy #fasting #Pakistan #ScreeningIslamicStudies #CssScreening #MCQs


  UPCOMING JOBS in FIA 30 Posts of Assistant Director in FIA. 44 Posts of Inspector Investigation FIA 450 Posts of IB through Departmental channel. 4 Posts of Excise and Taxation officer through PPSC 12 Posts of Assistant in Public Prosecution through PPSC.. Miss : Hareem One day exam preparation (Whatsapp for registration 03451505100)  #FIA #Job #Jobtestpreparation #Newjobs #Ppsc 

India vs Pakistan: A fair fight? (Set 18)

  India vs Pakistan: A fair fight? 1947, two countries were born from the womb of mother earth; Pakistan and India. Since then, both of them have been in a competition with each other. 20th century remembers this competition in the form of wars mostly. Wars, which were won by both the belligerents as per their curriculums. However, with the dawn of 21st century, in the globalized world, one competitor, India, seems to be going far ahead in every aspect of competition and the other competitor, Pakistan, is just trying to survive the competition. In democractic government, technology, education, economy, industry, and, sports India has defeated Pakistan. The only playing field, where both competitors do still have equal chances is deterrence by nukes. The overall competition has become totally one sided now. Both parties should realize this fact and try to become good and friendly neighbors because competition no longer seems to be a competition.  Pakistan ranks 104 while India ranks 46

Amendments in the constitution of Pakistan (Set 17)

GK for CSS PMS ✍️ آئین پاکستان 1973 میں اب ŘŞÚŠ کی گئی 25 ترامیم آسان اعدو زبان میں ا؎تؾاع کے ساتڞ ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔  *پہلی ترمیم 1974*  آئین پاکستان 1973 کی پہلی ترمیم میں پاکستان کے حدود اعبؚہ ڊا دوباعہ تعین کیا گیا.  *دوسری ترمیم 1974*  قادیانیوں ڊو غیر مسلم اقلیت قرار دیا گیا.  *تیسری ترمیم 1975*  اس ترمیم میں Preventive Detention کی مدت ڊو بڑھایا گیا۔Preventive Detention ڊا مطلب ہے کسی ایسے Ř´ŘŽŘľ ڊو نامعلوم مقام ٞع رکھنا ؏و ریاست پاکستان کے خلاف سرگرمیوں میں ملوث ہو۔  *چوتھی ترمیم 1975*  اقلیتوں ڊو پارلیمنٹ میں اضافی سیٹیں دی گئیں۔  *پانچویں ترمیم 1976*  ہائی ڊوعٚ ڊا اختیار_سماعت وسیع کیا گیا  *چھٹی ترمیم 1976*  ہائی ڊوعٚ اوع سپریم ڊوعٚ کے ؏؏ز کی ریٹائرمنٹ کی مدت بالترتیب 62 اوع 65 سال کی ÚŻŘŚ۔  *ساتویں ترمیم 1977*  وزیر اعظم ڊو یہ ٞاوع دی ÚŻŘŚ ڊہ وہ کسی بھی وقت پاکستان کی عوام سے اعتماد ڊا ووٚ حاصل ÚŠŘą سڊتا ہے۔  *آٹھویں ترمیم 1985*  پارلیمانی نظام سے نیم صدارتی نظام متعارف کروایا گیا اوع ؾدع ڊو اضافی ٞاوعز دی گئیں۔  *نویں ترمیم 1985*  شریعہ لاء ڊو لاء آف دی لینڈ ڊا دع؏ہ دیا گیا۔  *دسویں ترم

CSS Current Affairs Solved MCQs 2016 (Set 16)

 CSS Current Affairs Solved MCQs 2016  1) “The Reconstruction of Religious Thought” written by (a) Ahmed Ali (b) Allama Muhammad Iqbal (c) Javed Majeed (d) None of these Answer: (b) 2) The World’s largest democracy is (a) Brazil (b) United Kingdom (c) India (d) None of these Answer: (c) 3) Obama is the —— president of the USA (b) 44th (c) 46th (d) None of these Answer: (b) 4) National anthem composed by (a) Hafeez Jullundhri (b) A. R. Ghani (c) Ahmad G. Chagla (d) None of these Answer: (c) 5) Headquarter of the International Court of Justice is at The Hague (Netherlands). (a) Hague, Netherlands (b) New York, United States (c) Geneva, Switzerland (d) None of these Answer: (a) 6) Kalabagh Dam is not yet constructed due to (a) Politically Damaging (b) Damage Coastal Ecology (c) Shortage of Cultivable Land (d) All of the above Answer: (d) 7) Largest Arms importer in 2014 (a) North Korea (b) India (c) Saudi Arabia (d) None of these Answer: (c) 8) Term intifada means (a) Territory for peace