
Ministry of Defense MOD Job Syllabus & Preparation

 MINISTRY OF DEFENCE Assistant Director Syllabus Total Marks :200 Time: 120 Minutes Negative Marking: 0.25 (each mcq) 1) Analogies= 5 Marks 2) Comprehension= 5 Marks 3) Antonyms or Synonyms= 5 Marks 4) Corrections/ One Word Substitute= 5 Marks 5) Fill in the blanks Parts of Speech= 10 Marks 6) Analytical Reasoning= 30 Marks 7) Pakistan History & Geography= 30 Marks 8) Islamic Studies= 15 Marks 9) Everyday Science= 40 Marks 10) Current Affairs/ World + Pak GK= 45 Marks 11) Ethics/ Sociology/ Philosophy= 10 Marks <___________*****___________> *MINISTRY OF DEFENCE* *Posts (BPS 5 to 16) Syllabus 2022* Total Marks :100 Time: 60 Minutes Negative Marking: 0.25 (each mcq) 1) Analogies= 5 Marks 2) Comprehension= 5 Marks 3) Antonyms or Synonyms= 5 Marks 4) Corrections/ One Word Substitute= 5 Marks 5) Fill in the blanks Parts of Speech= 5 Marks 6) Analytical Reasoning= 10 Marks 7) Pakistan History & Geography= 15 Marks 8) Islamic Studies= 10 Marks 9) Everyday Science= 10

Hamas and Israel

  Hamas and Israel   فلسطین ایک علاقہ ہے ؏و مشرق وسطیٰ میں واقع ہے اوع ÚŠŰŒ ؚعؾۂ تاریخی میں بہت سی سیاسی، مذہبی اوع ثقافتی تحریکوں ڊا سامنا ہوا ہے۔ یہ علاقہ اسرائیل، اردن، لبنان اوع سوریہ کے ساتڞ سعحدوں ٞع مشتمل ہے۔ فلسطینی مسئلہ اس بات ٞع مبنی ہے ڊہ ÚŠŘł ءعح اسرائیل کی قیامت نے فلسطین کے ؚعب مسلمانوں اوع ؚعب عیسائیوں کی زمینوں ڊو قبضہ کیا اوع اسکے بؚد فلسطینیوں ڊو ؎ود مختاری اوع مستقل ریاست کی مانگ کی گئی۔ WhatsApp 03451505100 (Miss Hareem) حماس فلسطین میں ایک اہم سیاسی جماعت ہے ؏و 1987ŘĄ میں قدامت کی اوع اس کے ذریعے اسرائیل کے خلاف ؏دو؏ہد کیا گیا۔ حماس کی بنیادی حکومت قطاع غزہ میں ہے ؏و اسرائیلی قبضے میں ہے۔ حماس ڊا عمدہ مقصد اپنی تؾوعات کے مطابق فلسطین کی زمینی اوع سیاسی آزادی ہے۔ یہاں ŘŞÚŠ ڊہ حماس نے اسرائیل کے خلاف فوجی حملوں کی بھی ذمہ داری قبول کی ہے، ŘŹŘł سے اسرائیل اوع دیگر ملکوں کے ساتڞ تنازعات بھی پیدا ہوئے ہیں۔ حماس کے اہداف اوع ان کی سیاست مختلف مواقع ٞع مختلف نظریات کی بنیاد ٞع تشکیل پذیر ہوتی ہیں، ŘŹŘł میں سماجی، سیاسی، اقتصادی اوع دینی جہتیں شامل ہوتی ہیں۔  حماس نے ؚعب دنیا میں ب

FIA FPSC 2nd Paper

  FIA FPSC 2nd Paper Today FPSC Inspector FIA 2nd Paper (Batch 2) FIA Solved Paper 20 August 2023 Solve Paper and send me complete answers 1. Weather and climatic pattern drives by --> Solar radiation 2. Transformers work on phenomenon called --> Mutual Induction 3. Angular momentum of electron = nh/2Pi 4. Law of force is also known as --> Law of motion 5. AC to DC conversion --> Split ring 6. The acceleration of the body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body ---> mass of the body remains constant 7. Volgograd is a city in --> Russia 8. Sandwich island is --> Hawaiian island 9. COP 28 will be host by --> UAE 10. GS of OIC --> Hissein Brahim Taha 11. Term of GS of OIC --> 5 years 12. GS of SAARC --> Golam Sarwar 13. Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in --> August 2022 14. South Asia separates from Central Asia in north of Pak by mountain range --> Hindu kush 15. Chairman senate --> Sadiq Sanjarani 16. Speaker NA --> Raja Perv

Vocabulary for Spoken English

 đŸ’  Ways of Looking  🍀 See: to view  🍀 Stare: a long fixed look 🍀 Gape: to stare with the mouth open 🍀 Glance: to look quickly or briefly 🍀 Gaze: to look at steadily 🍀 Spot: to locate or identify by seeing 🍀 Watch: to look with attention 🍀 Observe: to watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively 🍀 Glimpse: to look briefly at something 🍀 Peer: to look searchingly 🍀 Peep/peek: to look from a hidden location 🍀 Look (at): to turn the eyes towards something. WhatsApp 03451505100  #SpokenEnglish #Vocabulary #Speaking #VocabularyWords #Synonyms

Upcoming CSS Screening Most Important Mcqs 2023 & 2024

Screening Most Important Mcqs 2023 & 2024  2023 ODI World Cup will be held in ___? India 2026 FIFA World Cup will be held in:__? US, Mexico, Canada 2024 Olympics Games will be held in___? Paris 2026 Commonwealth Games will be held in:_____? Australia 2023 Asia Cup will be held in______? Pakistan 2025 Champion Trophy will be held in_? Pakistan 2023 Rugby World cup will be held in__? France 03451505100   2023 UN Climate Conference COP-28 will be held in___? : UAE 50th Session of OIC foreign ministers will be held in: ___? Cameroon 2026 Hockey World Cup will be held in: __? Belgium & Netherlands #MissHareem #Csspmsofficersacademy #Css #Pms #Mpt #CssScreening 

Implications of Pak-Russia trade on India-Russia Relations

Implications of Pak-Russia trade on India-Russia Relations Pakistan and Russia have had a long and complicated history, with relations only recently starting to warm up. But what impact will this newfound friendship have on India's relationship with Russia? Although Pakistan and Russia have a complicated history together, neither nation has ever placed the other at the top of its foreign policy agenda. But in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Pakistan began reviewing its foreign policy and worked to strengthen ties with the Soviet Union. Pakistan provided a base for American intelligence gathering against the Soviet Union until 1970 and joined both the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) and the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) during the Cold War. Automatically, Russia harbored mistrust and hostility towards Islamabad. However, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Moscow visit in 1974 marked the first official engagement between the two nations. The 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan fu

Solved MCQs on CENTO for CSS Screening, FPSC, Educators and NTS

  Solved MCQs on CENTO for CSS Screening, FPSC, Educators and NTS 1. Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) (original name was Middle East Treat Organization or METO also known as the Baghdad Pact) was established in _____ (a) 1951 (b) 1956 (c) 1955 (d) 1954 Answer : 1955 2. Which of the following set of countries was the founder of CENTO (a) USA, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Iraq (b) U.K. Turkey, Iran. Pakistan and USA (c) USA, France, Iran, Turkey and Pakistan (d) U.K, Turkey. Iran. Pakistan and Iraq Answer : (d) U.K, Turkey. Iran. Pakistan and Iraq 3. USA was not among the founders of CENTO but later on joined in ______ (a) 1957 (b) 1958 (c) 1959 (d) 1956 Answer : (b) 1958 4.When did Turkey, Iran and Pakistan resulting in the dissolution of the organization? (a) 1978 (b) 1977 (c) 1979 (d) 1976 Answer : 1979 Miss Hareem 🏅 WhatsApp 03451505100 🤙 #CssScreening #Css #Ppsc #Fpsc #Nts #Pms #Educator #Cento #Seato